Online Training

Pre-recorded workout videos are so yesterday. Value Fitness brings you the best virtual personal training option with live, 1-on-1, training sessions—all from the comfort of your home or any place in the world that you feel comfortable. These are more than a workout. These are an experience in modern day fitness technology. Each individual fitness exercise is explained to you by Dr. Abhijit in a high-quality, live video session. Use your home fitness equipment or train with your bodyweight.
Suitable for everybody
Train from home or anywhere in the world
Live feedback
Group and Individual trainings

Workouts Wherever Whenever

At-home or on-the-go, practice wherever and whenever you want. Our virtual, holistic lifestyle coaching and training sessions are designed to activate, stretch, move and strengthen your body. Dr. Abhijit connects with you for coaching sessions customized to deliver the inspiration and motivation you need to reach your goals.


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Upon successful subscription, you will receive an email with a link to a Client Information sheet. Fill this out as accurately as you can, so we can build an effective plan.


Enjoy your workout
Keep yourself fit and fun! No matter if you’re a youngster or best-ager, beginner or professional. Get motivated and inspired.

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